张宁仁安 词 By Zhang Ning 十年一梦, Ten years a dream, 满眼迷茫。 Full of confusion I had been. 流年忧盼窃悲伤。 Sad deep inside as the time went on. 雁鸿声断, The wild geese gone, 遥望家乡。 I looked toward the hometown. 田边野草, The weeds by the field, 几度凝霜。 A few times more had been frosted . 欲出尘外, How I wanted to be outside the lay world, 何奈无方。 But didn’t have any way forward. 日耕耘夜读文章。 Did farming daily and read in the evening. 喜闻高考, Heard of the college entrance examine, 小试锋芒。 I tried with effort. 早秋戊午, In the year of Wuwu early autumn, 入学时光。 A chance to go studying I was given . 20230608